I got A GRADE in Material Transformation Module! There were places I expected a lower grade like C and D. But my evaluation was more than what I was expecting.
Continuos engagement and trials for achieving the desired result made me efficient. Constant participation gives me the advantage of improving after getting feedback.
Because this module worked with physical material, therefore, I was able to play around more. This helped me cope up with my assignments.
Collation of work in the form of a Journal was one of my strengths. This helped me record the evident process of my work.
My work looks unfinished/messy when it comes to making something with hands. I had to remake some of my work. I took help from my brother and mother to learn some techniques.
Experimentation and risktaking. continuously working on something exhausts me that degrades my efficiency. So taking regular breaks will improve my workflow.
Finding out connection and cause-effect relationship is a major area for e to work on. Google will help me with this. All it has is information, I will only have to look for it.
I need to expand my design vocabulary. The more I'll get into things, the more I will find different terminologies.
I Will start managing my workflow.
Spend more time on google. Research and make more connections.
When I will have no further questions to ask about the topic, then I will know that I'm on the right track.
I feel motivated after getting at least one A. I now want to maintain this grade in the second semester.
I have added realizations along with the pictures. This will help in communicating my idea better.
I took help from the DE module and have added design terminologies in the realizations and reflections.