Day 1 - 2 December 2020
Do rupay ki Pepsi, main nhi hu sexy
I got lost in the rising bubbles of Pepsi. Then I started to recall everything that I had to do today, I didn't feel the weight of FA submission lifting. Because I had other stuff to complete. Like working on a logo and watch B99. That moment, I saw ”main tera edit” of momos, and I started dribbling. A glass of Pepsi did all that to me.

Day 2 - 3 December 2020
Today, I got a call from my school, and I was so confused, "ab kya kar diya?" were my first words. Ashok sir asked me to send him a passport size photograph as I am a nominee for the "Player of the Year-2019-20" award. I was celebrating on another level, which you'll see in the video.
Day 3 - 4 December 2020
Day full of anxiety
I LOVE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR. It produces multiple emotions in me. Excitement because there are so many tools that help in bringing my ideas to life. Anxiety because I'm doing work for someone for the first time.

Day 4 - 5 December 2020
Hindi to Punjabi
Recently Diljit Dosanjh trolled Kangana on Twitter, where he wrote Punjabi words in the English language. I read all his tweets on that troll and understood 80% of the words. But I wanted to know the word-to-word meaning of that tweet, so today, I asked my Sardar friend to teach me the basics of Punjabi. Here are some words which I learned to use in a sentence.

Day 5 - 6 December 2020
New Flip Flops
Got a new pair of flip-flops and I'm totally in love with them. These are so comfortable and after trying both ADDA & ADIDAS I prefer these over Adidas ki flip-flops.
Day 6 - 7 December 2020
Lazy day 6865. Woke up at 9 am, Again slept at 12 pm. Woke up at 5 pm. Inside warm outside cold.

Day 7 - 8 December 2020
Rainbow beani
I had an appointment with my dentist today for the removal of my braces, which he canceled. I felt trapped and irritated as I'm desperate to remove. I made myself comfortable with this beanie, some meditational music, and my friends.

Day 8 - 10 December 2020
Skipped a day but today found some buried treasure back from school days. I kept it there so that I could find it after 10 years after my class 12. But here I am holding these old photos, and remembering the time they were taken. I miss my school days and all the bunking. Bunking was the reason we all went to school. To make memories, be in the canteen. sometimes having serious and conversations with friends but 99% used to be precious garbage talks. One of my friends posted this on her Instagram story which I absolutely loved. We had a small talk about our innocent faces and no worry life that we had back then.
Day 9 - 11 December 2020
While I write this, we are playing dominos, cousins, Mumma, and me. It's a 3-4 hours game. When we play games with family, not digital but board games and games like dominos, everyone tends to involve and laugh. Some try to win by cheating, while others play it fair. My mom acts like a kid who cannot stand a single loss. Oh! And compromising for her kids is no way she'll do in this game. I want to leave this PC and be present in the moment. I want every day to be a game of domino. I want to meet my college folks and have the same kind of fun with them.

Day 10 - 12 December 2020
Today I realized that we see what we want to see. Finding figures in objects such as a balloon, in clouds, and everything in our immediate surroundings. The same is with humans, we make judgments on what we see in their physical personalities.

Day 11 - 13 December 2020
Let's not cage them to racen
My neighbors have around 70 pigeons caged on their terrace. Our terraces are on the same level, and I watch those pigeons every time I go up. Laali Chachu keeps them because he wants to win the "longest flying time" award of the pigeons. He trains them, and to make them stand out, he has painted the race pigeon pink. He takes good care of them but caging this many pigeons looks disheartening. I see them stare outside at the sky, wanting to be free, fly in the blue sky. He never lets my brother play whenever there is a pigeon he wishes to catch. Say that it distracts them from coming to him.

Day 12 - 14 December 2020
I remember playing stappu, pithu, and ooch neech ka papda with my cousins. We used to play from 4 pm till it was dark. We barely stayed inside. The reason behind that was, we didn't have a phone at an early age. Comparing 2000's kids and today's generation kids are very common but, when you actually sit down and think about what you use to do, you'll realize that yes, there is a huge difference.

Day 13 - 15 December 2020
Work work work
I've been busy with my work all day, all week that my cousins who are here to spend time with me say that I'm always on my laptop. I want to play with them, but I work so slow that I couldn't multitask.

Day 14 - 16 December 2020
Brace off
Finally! They are out. While sitting there on the dentist's chair, watching those water droplets swoosh all over my face, I wondered how I would look without them. My mouth was open, the tool was making its noise, and my mind was somewhere else. This was how I took my mind off of the pain. I realized that it was my last few minutes of braced teeth. After a few minutes, I would be free of them.
Day 15 - 17 December 2020
Killer, detective and people
I have my cousins over at my place. My bua loves kids and becomes one when she is around them. We were playing this game called killer, detective, and crewmate. In this, there is a killer who winks at the crewmate to kill him/her, and the detective has to find the killer before he kills all of them. While playing it with bua and cousins, I realized that fighting over the game builds a healthy relationship than quarreling over the TV remote. Because we fight while we are conscious, but when we fight for a remote, we are so much under the influence of the series or movie that we start fighting for a non-living and least important thing.

Day 16 - 18 December 2020
When designers meet!
I met my college friends for the first time. We got along really well, and Rashika said she mixes everything that is left after the meal. So we had to create this masterpiece. I realized that it hits different when we meet people in person rather than virtually.

Day 17 - 19 December 2020
I realized today that when humans are angry, they don't care to whom they are talking. I got into a fight with a close friend of mine, and it ended up bad. I don't get the point of saying things that they don't mean, it's just the high blood pressure talking. You need to calm down, take a few breaths, and think.

Day 18 - 20 December 2020
My name was announced at the award ceremony of my school. But, I was not at all excited because I was not there on the stage to collect it. The claps and presence of the audience who sees you taking the award make it special.

Day 19 - 21 December 2020
Hot and cold
I realized how crazy our body is. Earlier today, I was working on my PC, and I was using the mouse with my right hand. My left hand was under the blanket. I dipped my hands in water, and my lefthand signaled me that the water is hot but, at the same time my left hand signaled me that the water is cold. I was shocked! I kept my hands under the tap for 2 minutes continuously. I was clueless so, I had to call my brother, and he told me that the water was cold. This must be because my right hand was out in the cold, and all its nerves got frozen. That's why the nerves might not be able to send the signals to the brain.

Day 20 - 22 December 2020
This shelf gives a calm and soothing vibe. The candle in the middle creates the vibe.

Day 21 - 23 December 2020
Sheep in the city
100 sheep on Gurugram highway. One of them left the flock and came in front of our car. Realization: A flock of sheep can come in a metropolitan city. And one leaving the group takes the risk of changing his/her identity.

Day 22 - 24 December 2020
Instagram being Instagram: A LIE
Instagram is one way of getting fake friends and their gloats. We let people get inside our heads by simply taking their comments and replies seriously. It's the game of numbers: number of likes, comments, views, replies, followers, posts.

"We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry..." reference
"Lies and love cannot coexist." reference
Day 23 - 25 December 2020
Pizza is irreplaceable. It has all the fat and flavor my body craves for.

Day 24 - 26 December 2020
Molding kids like clay
Kids have the purest heart. They do what they are taught and mimic what they see. My 5 years old cousin sister is copying a TikTok video. Her expressions are on point, the same that she saw on TikTok.
Day 27 - 29 December 2020
Surprise Tomorrow
Planning to do something out of my personality bubble. It could really ruin me or could motivate me to change further. It'll be a big step, and I realized that I'm ready to take risks this big in my life.
Day 28 - 30 December 2020
Friends plan stupid things together like a wedding we had. I got engaged to Rashika in front of Vrinda, Navya, Tanvi, Rohan, Vishal, and Yukta. Doing crazy things like these connects us more than anything. Everyone woke up till 5 in the morning.
Day 29 - 31 December 2020
What a year
Wrapping it up with a girl's night watching BRIDGETON and eating nachos and a full tub of ice cream. Woke up the whole night and slept in the day. And I realized that my whole year was like that. Wake up at night and sleep during the day. All thanks to IIAD.