Creativity: making unique things.

Art: a way of expression.

Design: a tool used to help express oneself.

Aesthetics: something that looks beautiful, it is subjective.

Visual Language: communication through visuals.

Visual Culture: things that we can see.

Material Culture: tangible things that we can touch and feel.

Rasa: the essence of something.

Adbhut rasa: the essence of mystery.

Haasya rasa: the essence of humor and joy.
Epilogue: Conclusion to the previous event.
Prologue: Begining of an event.
TALK - 2: What is modernism?
-Mr. Snehanshu Mukherjee
As Mr. Snehanshu Mukherjee spoke about modern architecture, I got a bit excited. "Newness was the modernist new mantra." Modernism is the larger term for the movements like cubism, dadaism, surrealism, futurism, realism, etc. "Buildings were, to be honest rather than being edifices." As modernism was the area I had studied during my research. He spoke about simple architecture which was based on practicality rather than beauty.
Concluding Reflective Note

Art is a way of expression which is subjective. Design is the layout to express art. We create art to express ourselves, feelings and emotions. What is the purpose of creating art? People want to escape the reality of life, escape from the hustle and bustle. When people find it difficult to communicate in some language or the other, they create art to express their feelings. Art can be anything and anywhere. Cooking, reading, writing, speaking, painting, dancing, everything is art. And everyone is an artist. The factors that influence meaning-making are color, form, arrangement, perspective, past knowledge, aesthetics, and inspiration. What we have seen and learned in our past tells us about what we see in the present. We can only make meaning out of those things which are related to the past objects that we are familiar with. Art and design are interrelated as art is the expression and design is a planned and constructive layout of that expression. Art is a tool that one can learn to use by oneself. But using that tool in the right place and where it can give a meaningful result has to be learned (Design).

This research expanded my knowledge of art and culture in the 1920s of the world, majorly in Europe. Relating to the needs and trends of that decade opened a new window for me to get to know my decade. I might know more about 1920s art and culture than that of 2021. As I was going deeper into the search, I became more curious to know about the evolution in the 1920s.
Finding artwork in a decade was very difficult.
Different sites had different answers to the same question.

I had to read all the EOD and POD to understand it in the painting.
Linking the movements was confusing at times.
I had no clue about the software. So I had to learn Premiere Pro from scratch. This took a lot of time. Vishal helped me with the software and we edited the whole video.
I learned how to research better.
I got to know about how people lived in the 1920s all over the world. Also, I was able to relate it to a tv series "the vampire diaries". The high school students danced to songs of different decades.
The research arose curiosity in me to know about other periods because every decade or era has its uniqueness which fascinates me in different ways.
Learnt Premiere Pro on my own.
Team working
I have improved my working with team experience, by dividing work according to the skills each of us has.
Organized workflows will help us finish our work on time.
I must listen to the ideas others are proposing.
Discoveries about own process of working
I have started to copy the links to every site I visit as this helps me later. This way I collect links to a bunch of sites related to the process and read its contents. Then, I categorically write down the headings and visit the relevant sites. This process saves me time.