I've learned so many new things from this project. It was a good mix of all the learnings from term-1. As for my future self, I have so much to tell me and make me aware of what I can do to improve.
Hey, Nitika from the future! Here are some tips to keep in mind while working on your projects:

Try to keep up with daily tasks. I'm not saying do it because I know it's difficult, but you have to try a bit harder.
Take up more material tasks to improve hands-on material.
Don't hesitate while speaking. They are mentors, and mentors are there to help you every time you get diverted.
I like doing digital work, and I'm planning to take up Communication design. But, if I don't start engaging in all the projects, I won't be able to communicate my ideas. I think for a Communication designer, the most important quality is to be able to express his/her ideas. I'm not sure what you have taken Nitika, but I hope it improves your communication skills.

Object journey explains how and why that object has the form it has today. Taking into consideration numerous stakeholders who sold or bought that product. A simple product such as a hanger has an amazing form. The designers are still working on new and better designs of a hanger. Designers have to keep on changing the designs with the need for betterment. Adapting to the changing environment is the key to survival.
Go outside and take a deep breath. You'll know what to do. Don't exhaustively go searching for answers, sit and observe. That's what designers do.

Smart working can help achieve more in less time.
Constantly communicating with a person creates an understanding which makes work more efficient.
More brains come with more ideas.
We get to know different perspectives.
Always listen to what the other team member is saying.
In case of an argument, try to sort it out or take help from mentors and peers. Do not leave it unsettled.
Try to make out the strength of the teammates and assign tasks accordingly.

I can recall many, but creating forms and handling material was one that helped me a lot. Already having dealt with the materials helped me choose the most suitable material. I have very clumsy hands, and thus I'm not good at handling material. Therefore previous knowledge saved me here.
Primary methods
The primary method is when you gather information directly from the source.
Interview: Asking questions from my subject is a method of gathering direct information from the source.
Observation: Observing the user behavior, while talking and without disturbing the original setting help you get honest results.

We should use the Primary method of inquiry when we want to know the audience's views on a product. For instance, our seniors at IIAD send us Google Forms to know our(audience) preferences.
The information received is original and not manipulated.
Data is gathered directly from the source.
It is face to face.
The subject might manipulate the data if he/she gets to know that you are observing them.
It is time-consuming.
The analysis from this data received is dependent on the biases of the person inquiring.
Secondary Methods
In Secondary Methods of inquiry, the data is not collected directly from the source.
Search Engines: Sources like Wikipedia and blogs where people like to share their knowledge. Their knowledge is what we use to collect data.

Mentors: The data we get from our mentors is what they have taken from other sources. They tell us their observations and other primary sources. This is information becomes secondary to us because we are not getting it directly from the source.
Unlimited data pool.
Easy to access.
May or may not be true.
Different sources give different information
Data can be manipulated.
Helped my Learning
Ergonomics was a new topic that gave me a new sight of seeing a product. I involved all my family members in that activity.
Observational drawings helped me capture the details which I ignored even after seeing them.
I realized that I present a digitally designed poster at end moments.
Working in groups increases my capacity to think creatively.
Areas of Improvement
Again I'd say handling material. I can see progress in my work, I want it to be as satisfactory as my digital work. I'm taking the help of my mother. She guides me to make a finished product.
Observational drawings could be more detailed. I'm regular with my DDD this time. I hope it will improve my upcoming projects.
Reflect on the feedback more frequently. I can improve that by showing my work on time and getting feedback.
This project electrocuted my brain to wake up for the upcoming projects are going to ask for all my attention.