My first project of the foundation year was Essense of Color, which made me think that the whole year would go with something like this (research and coloring). Also, everything was online so I wasn't even expecting that we would be using material at all. But then we were introduced to M2M.


Material Transformation became my favorite module because I am free to do anything with the material around me. Nothing is wrong!
Some materials require prior instructions before use.
Handling material by myself taught me a lot. If Pankaj sir and Tanya ma'am would have just told u verbally that this material acts this way when combined with this one, I would have never remembered it.
A safety kit is very important while handling any kind o material. I took a tetanus injection during the course of this project to ensure no infection is caused if I get cut by a metal surface.
Picking up a material gives you more ideas than just looking at it.
Initially, I was not thinking while experimenting. This way I missed out on few explorations. As I worked through the project I made a strategy that helped me cover maximum materials and techniques.
I have failed many times during this project but each failure has taught me and has given me a better understanding of the material.
I can use hardware tools now. I learned how to cut efficiently with a hacksaw without expending a lot of energy.
I worked more than any other time during this project. I was completely engaged in it. I completed my final form on time even after so many failures and redos. (I couldn't submit it on time because of the final drawing).
I learned to change the property of a material.
I thought working with resin would be easy. But resin became a disaster for me.
Getting the final form done was a big struggle. I went 10 to 20 times to the market in 2 days to get things done. But in the end, it got rejected. It was heart reckoning. I didn't lose hope and completed my final form.