Observational drawings

The design is like human shoulders. The idea of making it wear the shirt the way we wear is amazing.
The base rod is made such that the lowers can be hanged on it. That helps us hang the whole outfit on a single hanger.
The hook has a question mark shape that gives a good grip for our fingers to fit.
The 2 openings on top of the shoulder part are too small that it only allows the shoulder strap to get in. For taking the cloth out, we have to manually pull it. This doesn’t allow the cloth to fall.
The triangular subtraction made in the base allows our 3 fingers to hold a grip on one shoulder.
The product looks so effortless but, the calculation and making of this product are very intricate.
I was fascinated to know that every part of the hanger has a reason and equal proportion that makes it balanced.
The main purpose of the hanger was to prevent wrinkles but, the hanger also makes everything look organized and makes the lives comfortable for the user.