Be the only stakeholder of your perspective
Date - 4 September 2020, Friday
Today Hemanshi ma'am started the day by reviewing some blogs and gave suggestions about how we can maintain it. Then moved on to the definition of stakeholders:
"A person, group, or organization that has an interest in a company and can affect or be affected by the business of the company."
Pranay sir presented a picture and asked us to point out the stakeholders. After a long discussion, all those stakeholders were categorized into 4 groups:
main stakeholders
local stakeholders
national stakeholders
international stakeholders
Getting familiar with these categories, we were introduced to stakeholder mapping:
"it is the visual process of laying out all the stakeholders of a product, project, or idea on one map. the main benefit of a stakeholder map is to get a visual representation of all the people who can influence your project and how they are connected."
Part 1
We were divided into groups for this activity. Tanvi and Smriti were in my group. In this activity, we had to create a stakeholder map for the assigned image.

My mic was not working because of poor internet connection yet I managed to participate in the discussion through chatbox which went surprisingly great. We finished our map before time even after those chit-chats we had in the middle of the activity 😂.
Part 2
It was an individual activity where we had to draw the perspective of one of the stakeholders that we mapped out in the previous activity. I chose to be a foreign photographer who was a tourist watching two people buying Bhel Puri. Also, a dialogue was added as to what I would think if I were in the stakeholder's place.

ACHIEVEMENTS: 1. Time duly managed.
2. Learnt a new term " stakeholder ".
3. learned how a small stand can affect millions of people and huge organizations.
STRUGGLES: 1. Average sketches.
2. Unaware of big brands and organizations.
HOW TO IMPROVE: 1. Practices drawing.
2. Build confidence by gaining knowledge.