When I first heard of Think Lab, I didn't know what to expect. But today, I understand the meaning of Think Lab it is the space where we broaden our perspective, think creatively yet logically. It helped me solve problems by critically analyzing the situation. Scaling objects and changing the context or setting was one of my favorite activities. Also, I learned how these changes affect local and international stakeholders.
Expressing emotions through the Type is called "EXPRESSIVE TYPOGRAPHY", which I didn't know existed before ACTIVITY-4.
While challenging the STATUS QUO, we created our brand: "Fritter Ladies".the poster.
Another day we entered the fictional realm where we had single-handed humans survive a normal day like a double-handed human. I call 'thinking tools' the secret trick to creativity. Breaking down problems, looking at the situation from different attributes, and taking the right decision was what I learned from the last three activities. These were the game-changer.

Which is why I made the most out of the "6 Thinking Hats". Learning something common to a Management student was the best part. Picking the right design for a designer is the most crucial part of the whole project. Being able to serve the best out of all the other explorations gives us a chance to make a good impression. At this moment, I realized that the FVL gallery also comes under the six thinking hats as I have to decide what I'm going to deliver to my evaluators. The six hats cover all the aspects and help us focus on one at a time that leads to precision.
Think lab taught me the value of quality sketches and presentation. Above all was how we learned, in smaller groups. Working in a team, agreeing and disagreeing on certain topics, encouraged me to follow other's points of view. Presenting in front of the faculty gave me confidence.