Connect the Right and the Left
Date - 5 October 2020, Monday
CREATIVE THINKING - coming out with creative ideas logically.
The left side of the brain: creative
The right side of the brain: logical
We learned new tools that helped us think creatively.
Breaking down a task/problem into smaller tasks. To stimulate new ideas, we can identify and list various attributes of a task and work on one attribute at a time. The more you slice and dice your task, the more attributes you will be able to improve or change.
A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of something.
Element, component, area, domain, unit, feature.
Description Attribute
Functional Attribute
Emotional Attribute
Process Attribute
Social Attribute
Our warm-up was a group activity. This time the whole section C was shuffled and allotted groups. Amisha, Lipeeka, Yukta, Saumya, and I were a team. We had to choose a stationery item and apply the 'SLICE AND DICE' tool. So we chose a paper cutter.

After getting familiar with one tool, we were given two PDFs in which there were two other tools. This was an individual task, but we were supposed to discuss the learnings within the group. I took a sharpener for 'SLICE AND DICE'.
Combining two things/objects and creating a completely different item. I made a comfortable rolling chair by combining a chair and color pencils.
Listing down random ideas under a category and making different combinations. I redesigned the color pencils.
I used Ai to make both my objects.
ACHIEVEMENTS- By applying these tools, generating ideas became a lot easier. Breaking down the problem into smaller categories helps in looking at minor details and also covers up all the aspects. Combining items to make a multifunctional product can be a good outcome of cross-breeding. And, instead of 'inky pinky ponky', we can categorize different attributes and try to make unique combinations. I was able to explain the cross-breeding part to my teammates. Using the digital medium made my work look cleaner and more presentable. I think I'm getting better at Illustrator.
STRUGGLE- Applying these tools was tough in the beginning. Rapid sketching is not my go-to thing. I'm trying to do better sketches.
ACTION - Apply on more objects. I should work on my hand-drawn sketches.